About the Artist


I am not an artist by trade, only by passion. By day I toil away the hours in an information technology role to pay the bills. The rest of the time I mostly lay about day dreaming, if we're being honest. And then, every so often, I'll get motivated to turn one of those day dreams into a drawing or painting.

I did attend an art college for a little over a year. I attended those classes after completing a four and a half year journey to a BSEET degree, a journey that left me scarred and broken but profitably employed. Art school was meant to cleanse my soul of that experience. All it did was put a dent in those engineering career profits.

My artwork doesn't really have a specific style or theme overall, each piece really is just a product of whatever whimsical idea happened to float into my head at the time. Early on I was heavily inspired by the artists who create illustrations for the science fiction and fantasy novels, games, etc. that have filled much of my life's spare time. I have since tried to find my own style, but those influences are still there.

I started off working in traditional mediums, from sketching to acrylic painting to oils. Later I moved almost exclusively into making digital art, but while those methods do have many advantages I missed the satisfying feeling of holding a physical finished product in my hands. And the smell of paints and mediums. And I even missed the messes I inevitably make. I still create digital art from time to time, usually for projects that are more than just about creating a finished piece of art, but this site is (mostly) a showcase of my traditional painting works.

So there you have it, a little insight into the mind behind the art here on this site. Welcome all and I hope you enjoy browsing my humble collection.

Josh West


Illustration of table with two books, one open and one closed, and two chairs, one upright and one overturned